Quick cleaning: 40 best life hacks you might not know about


To make your task easier and simplify cleaning your home, we decided to collect the best household life hacks. In this post, you will find budget-friendly ideas for replacing expensive detergents, and you will also learn how to extend the life of your favorite things and easily get rid of stubborn stains. Everything is in express mode.
Idea No. 1: take everything with you

A small plastic box is an indispensable assistant during general cleaning. It will save you from having to go from room to room to get leftover cleaning supplies. Put them in a box and carry it with you.
Idea No. 2: complete order

To make cleaning at home easier and faster, organize the kitchen cabinet where you store cleaning supplies. Hang hooks for rubber gloves, neatly fold rags and brushes - now it will be much easier for you to find everything you need.
Idea No. 3: when time is short

Cleaning the bathroom before going to work is impossible. But you can use the time to your advantage: pour cleaning liquid into the toilet in the morning, and in the evening go through the walls with a brush. Just a few minutes - and you can forget about exhausting cleaning on the weekend.
Idea #4: my-holes

To combat greasy stains, use folk remedies - for example, alcohol or soap solution. Rest assured: they will do the job no worse than an expensive cleaner. Just wet the sponge and feel free to go on the offensive.
Idea No. 5: clever disguise

Has your favorite leather chair become worn? Hold off on shopping, because shoe polish is an ideal remedy for scratches and scuffs. Just remember to let it dry.
Idea #6: a tough nut to crack

Walnut will help you hide imperfections on wooden furniture. Just rub it on the problem area, and the nut pulp will hide all scratches and imperfections - like magic.
Idea No. 7: updated iron

You can clean the iron using salt. To do this, cover the ironing board with paper and sprinkle a little salt on it. Then set the iron's heat control to maximum, making sure there is no water in the iron and the "Steam" function is turned off. By running a heated iron over the salt, you can easily remove dirt from it.

Idea No. 8: no stains

A clean white brush with a small amount of alcohol will help remove stains from your sofa. And to get rid of the unpleasant odor, add a pinch of baking soda. Everything ingenious is simple!
Idea No. 9: glass cleaner

To make cleaning your shower stall easier, buy a glass cleaner that you usually use to clean car windows. Every time you get out of the shower, wipe the stall with glass cleaner - the walls of the shower will sparkle.
Idea #10: Goodbye, raid!

Vinegar can help remove limescale from your faucet or shower head. Pour it into a plastic bag and use a rubber band to secure it to the shower head. Within an hour, all plaque will disappear without a trace.

Idea No. 11: for the little ones

Don't throw away your old toothbrush, because it will help you reach hard-to-reach places: various corners, recesses, grooves in plumbing fixtures, containers and household appliances. A little soapy water and your toothbrush will become an effective and budget-friendly replacement for special cleaners.
Idea No. 12: keep it clean

Baby oil will become your indispensable assistant: with its help you can easily clean chrome surfaces to a shine. Simply apply a little oil to a cotton cloth or sponge and wipe the chrome parts.
Idea #13: The Power of Citrus

And with the help of grapefruit you can clean the bathtub from limescale. To do this, cut the fruit in half and pour salt on the half you will use to clean the bathtub. Just a few minutes - and you can enjoy exemplary purity and a fresh fruity aroma.
Idea No. 14: when renovation is a joy

It will not be so difficult to wash your hands of paint if you first lubricate them with hand cream. And you can wipe off difficult-to-remove “colorful” stains from walls, doors, furniture and clothes with vinegar.
Idea #15: Natural stain remover

Got a stubborn stain? No problem - apply a thick layer of laundry soap to the dried stain and, without rinsing it off, wash the item in the machine. This method can be used to remove red wine or coffee stains. Considering its safety, even children's clothes can be washed this way.
Idea No. 16: like chalk

And greasy stains can be easily removed with crumbled chalk. Rub it into the stain on the fabric, and after a few hours the chalk will completely absorb the grease. After this, the clothes should be washed with normal detergent. This method is most effective for fresh stains.
Idea No. 17: like new

Snow-white underwear is not only in advertising. Soak items in hot water with laundry detergent, crushed dishwasher tablets and bleach. You will be pleasantly surprised by the results of washing in this mixture of detergents.
Idea #18: lemony freshness

Instead of unnatural-smelling fabric softener, use a simple and very effective way to scent your bed linens: add lemon juice to your laundry detergent during washing. It will give your laundry extra freshness.
Idea No. 19: all the colors of the rainbow


Have everyday things lost their former brightness? To bring back their juicy color, add a cup of table salt while rinsing. You can be sure: on a crowded street you will be visible from afar.
Idea #20: the magic of black

Brewed coffee or strong tea will help keep the black color rich. Add the cooled drink to the rinse cycle. Caffeine will return a deep black tint to your clothes and give you a boost of energy throughout the day.
Idea No. 21: whiter than white

Got your white shirt dirty? Forget about stain remover: treat the stain with vinegar and baking soda, then wash the shirt in the washing machine. Now you can safely wear it to a restaurant or on a picnic - after all, you are no longer afraid of any stains.
Idea No. 22: no lumps

Wash coats, down jackets and quilts with three tennis balls. They will prevent fluff from rolling off, and when rinsing, they will clean clothes from any residual detergent.
Idea No. 23: gentle washing

It is better to wash clothes at 30°C. After all, washing in this mode is more gentle and gentle on things, thereby prolonging their life. In addition, at low temperatures, fabrics hardly fade, which means you will be protected from surprises with dyed items.
Idea No. 24: Chief of Cleanliness

Your washing machine also needs cleaning. Several times a year, run one cycle with hot water mixed with white vinegar. It will be as good as new!
Idea #25: Ready for anything

Prepare for January snowfalls by making your shoes waterproof. To do this, thoroughly lubricate it along the seams with castor oil. You can buy it at a hardware store or pharmacy.
Idea No. 26: order in the house

To prevent water and snow stains from staining your hallway, fill a shoebox lid with small stones and use it as a shoe rack during bad weather. Stones can be found in the forest or brought from the dacha.
Idea #27: James Bond's secret

Shoes polished to a shine are the calling card of any man, especially at a New Year's party. An ordinary black and white newspaper will help to achieve the desired effect: wipe your shoes with it after applying the cream, and your shoes will sparkle.
Idea No. 28: softer than silk

Pills on your favorite sweater are not a reason to put it in the back of your closet. Moreover, getting rid of them is easier than you think. Clean it with the hard side of a dishwashing sponge and forget about the pellets forever.

Idea #29: childhood friend

Grease stains from door handles and plastic surfaces can be easily wiped off with a regular eraser. Rub it properly on dirty areas and everything will shine. Cleaning your home has never been so fast!
Idea #30: Secret Weapon

Cleaning silverware to a shine is not so easy. But we have a way out: put a piece of chalk wrapped in gauze in the box with silver. It will protect cutlery from tarnishing and stains.
Idea No. 31: refresh and neutralize

A microwave oven is a multifunctional appliance. With its help, you can freshen sponges and plastic cutting boards, getting rid of unpleasant odors and germs. It only takes a minute to heat them at high temperature.
Idea No. 32: the enemy of all microbes

And to keep the dish sponge dry and clean for as long as possible, pinch it after use with a paper clip. You can be sure: it will serve you for more than one month.
Idea No. 33: new life for the pan

Don't be so quick to pass a death sentence on a burnt pan. To descale dishes, wash them with a sponge soaked in vinegar and some baking soda. There will be no trace of scale left.
Idea No. 34: Express cleaning

Having trouble cleaning your plastic cutting boards? Soak them in the sink and within an hour they will be as good as new. And to clean wooden boards, use salt and lemon juice.
Idea #35: Big Cleanup

And the mesh in which onions and oranges are sold is perfect for effectively cleaning the pan. Wet the mesh with water and rub the surface of the pan: the scale will instantly disappear - as if by magic.
Idea No. 36: the benefits of waste paper

Does every change of a garbage bag result in inevitable cleaning of the floors? Next time, put old newspapers at the bottom of the bag: they will absorb liquid from the food and save you from unexpected cleanup.

Idea #37: Sparkling Blender

Warm water with a few drops of liquid soap in a running blender is an effective and very inexpensive cleaner for this kitchen appliance. Just remember to rinse it with clean water after cleaning.

Idea No. 38: no divorces

Dishwashing detergents do not always remove stains from tea and coffee cups. Ordinary baking soda can easily cope with this. Apply a small amount of baking soda to the soft side of the sponge and wash the dishes.
Idea No. 39: natural freshness

Baking soda is useful not only in the kitchen. Pour a small amount of baking soda into a small bag or jar with holes - a natural and very economical air freshener is ready.
Idea #40: Under Control

Save on dry cleaning and clean the interior of your car manually. Make a soap solution with the addition of soda and vinegar and use a stiff brush to remove all imperfections.


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